Web of Science Times cited: 4,531, Average citations per item: 39.06, h-index: 37
*Graduate student/post-doctoral fellow supervised by Dr. Fregly
§High school student supervised by Dr. Fregly
†Corresponding author
Ao, D.*, Shourijeh, M.S.*, Patten, C., and Fregly, B.J.† (2020) Evaluation of synergy extrapolation for predicting unmeasured muscle excitations from measured muscle synergies. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience 14, Article 108.
Arones, M.S.*, Shourijeh, M.S.*, Patten, C., and Fregly, B.J.† (2020) Musculoskeletal model personalization affects metabolic cost estimates for walking. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 8, Article 1358.
Febrer-Nafría, M.*, Pallarès-López, R., Fregly, B.J., and Font-Llagunes, J.M.† (2020) Comparison of different optimal control formulations for generating dynamically consistent orthosis-assisted crutch walking simulations. Mechanism and Machine Theory 154, 104031.
Michaud, F.*, Shourijeh, M.S.*, Fregly, B.J., and Cuadrado, J.† (2020) Do muscle synergies improve optimization prediction of muscle activations during gait? Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience 14, Article 54.
Pegg, E.C.†, Walter, J.*, D’Lima, D.D., Fregly, B.J., Gill, H.S., and Murray, D.W. (2020) Minimising tibial fracture after unicompartmental knee replacement: A probabilistic finite element study. Clinical Biomechanics 73, 46-54.
Serrancolí, G.†, Kinney, A.L.*, and Fregly, B.J. (2020) Influence of musculoskeletal model parameter values on prediction of accurate knee contact forces during walking. Medical Engineering & Physics 85, 35-47.
Shourijeh, M.S.*† and Fregly, B.J. (2020) Muscle synergies modify static optimization estimates of joint stiffness during walking. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering 142, 011011.
Shourijeh, M.S.*†, Mehrabi, N., McPhee, J., and Fregly, B.J. (2020) Editorial: Advances in musculoskeletal modeling and their application to neurorehabilitation. Frontiers in Neurorobotics 14, Article 65.
MacLeod, A.R., Serrancoli, G., Fregly, B.J., Toms, A.D., and Gill, H.S. (2019) The effect of plate design, bridging span, and fracture healing on the performance of high tibial osteotomy plates: An experimental and finite element study. Bone & Joint Research 7, 639-649.
Sauder, N.R.*, Allen, J.L., Ting, L.H., Kesar, T.M., and Fregly, B.J.† (2019) Computational design of FastFES treatment to improve propulsive force symmetry during post-stroke gait: a feasibility study. Frontiers in Neurorobotics 13, 80.
Bianco, N.A.*, Patten, C., and Fregly, B.J.† (2018) Can measured muscle synergies construct unmeasured muscle excitations? Journal of Biomechanical Engineering 40, 011011 (10 pages).
Eskinazi, I.* and Fregly, B.J.† (2018) A computational framework for simultaneous estimation of muscle and joint contact forces and body motion using optimization and surrogate modeling. Medical Engineering & Physics 54, 56-64.
Banks, C.L.*, Pai, M.M.*, McGuirk, T.E., Fregly, B.J., and Patten, C.† (2017) Methodological choices in muscle synergy analysis impact differentiation of physiological characteristics following storke. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience 11, 78.
Meyer, A.J.*, Patten, C., and Fregly, B.J.† (2017) Lower extremity EMG-driven modeling of walking with automated adjustment of musculoskeletal geometry. PLoS ONE 12, e017969.
Meyer, A.J.*, Eskinazi, I.*, Jackson, J.N.*, Rao, A.V., Patten, C., and Fregly, B.J.† (2016) Muscle synergies facilitate computational prediction of subject-specific walking motions. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 4, 77.
De Groote, F.*†, Kinney, A.L.*, Rao, A.V., and Fregly, B.J. (2016) Evaluation of direct collocation optimal control problem formulations for solving the muscle redundancy problem. Annals of Biomedical Engineering 44, 2922-2236.
Eskinazi, I.* and Fregly, B.J.† (2016) An open-source toolbox for surrogate modeling of joint contact mechanics. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 63, 269-277 (featured article on journal website).
Jackson, J.N.*, Hass, C.J., and Fregly, B.J.† (2016) Development of a subject-specific foot-ground contact model for gait. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering 138, 091002 (12 pages).
Serrancolí, G.*, Kinney, A.L.*, Fregly, B.J., and Font-Llagunes, J.M.† (2016) Neuromusculoskeletal model calibration significantly affects accuracy of predicted knee contact forces for walking. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering 138, 081001 (11 pages).
Eskinazi, I.* and Fregly, B.J.† (2015) Surrogate modeling of deformable joint contact using artificial neural networks. Medical Engineering & Physics 37, 885-891.
Fregly, B.J.†, Fregly, C.D.§, and Kim, B.T.§ (2015) Computational prediction of muscle moments during ARED squat exercise on the International Space Station. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering 137, 121005 (8 pages).
Jackson, J.J.*, Hass, C.J., and Fregly, B.J.† (2015) Residual elimination algorithm enhancements to improve foot motion tracking during forward dynamic simulations of gait. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering 137, 111002 (8 pages).
Mizu-uchi, H., Colwell, C.W., Flores-Hernandez, C., Fregly, B.J., Matsuda, S., Iwamoto, Y., and D’Lima, D.D.† (2015) Patient-specific computer model of dynamic squatting after total knee arthroplasty. Journal of Arthroplasty 30, 870-874.
Pizzolato, C., Lloyd, D.G.†, Sartori, M., Ceseracciu, E., Besier, T.F., Fregly, B.J., and Reggiani, M.† (2015) CEINMS: A toolbox to investigate the influence of different neural solutions on the prediction of muscle excitation and joint moments during dynamic motor tasks. Journal of Biomechanics 48, 3929-3936 (winner of the 2015 Australian and New Zealand Society of Biomechanics Publication of the Year Award).
Walter, J.P.*, Korkmaz, N., Fregly, B.J., and Pandy, M.G.† (2015) Contribution of tibiofemoral joint contact to net loads at the knee in gait. Journal of Orthopaedic Research 33, 1054-1060.
Roemmich, R.T., Fregly, B.J., and Hass, C.J.† (2014) Neuromuscular complexity during gait is not responsive to medication in persons with Parkinson's disease. Annals of Biomedical Engineering 42, 1901-1912
Walter J.P.*, Kinney, A.L.*, Banks, S.A., D’Lima, D.D., Besier, T.F., Lloyd, D.G., and Fregly, B.J.† (2014) Muscle synergies may improve optimization prediction of knee contact forces during walking. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering 136, 021031 (9 pages).
D’Lima, D.D.†, Fregly, B.J., and Colwell, C.W. (2013) Implantable sensor technology: measuring bone and joint biomechanics of daily life in vivo. Arthritis Research and Therapy 15, 203 (8 pages).
Gerus, P., Sartori, M., Besier, T.F., Fregly, B.J., Delp, S.L., Banks, S.A., Pandy, M.G., D’Lima, D.D., Lloyd, D.G.† (2013) Subject-specific knee joint geometry improves predictions of medial tibiofemoral contact forces. Journal of Biomechanics 46, 2778-2786.
Kinney, A.L.*, Besier, T.F., D'Lima, D.D., and Fregly, B.J.† (2013) Update on grand challenge competition to predict in vivo knee loads. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering 135, 021005 (4 pages).
Kinney, A.L.*, Besier, T.F., Silder, A., Delp, S.L., D’Lima, D.D., and Fregly, B.J.† (2013) Changes in in vivo knee contact forces through gait modification. Journal of Orthopaedic Research 31, 434-440.
Meyer, A.J.*, D’Lima, D.D., Besier, T.F., Lloyd, D.G., Banks, S.A., Colwell, C.W. Jr., and Fregly, B.J.† (2013) Are external knee load and EMG measures accurate indicators of internal knee contact forces during gait? Journal of Orthopaedic Research 31, 921-929.
Pegg, E.C., Walter, J.*, Mellon, S.J., Pandit, H.G., Murray, D.W., D’Lima, D.D., Fregly, B.J., and Gill, H.S.† (2013) Evaluation of factors affecting tibial bone strain after unicompartmental knee replacement. Journal of Orthopaedic Research 31, 821-828.
Rodriguez, K., Roemmich R., Cam, B.*, Fregly, B., and Hass, C.† (2013) Persons with Parkinson's disease exhibit decreased neuromuscular complexity during gait. Clinical Neurophysiology 124, 1390-1397.
Boninger, M.L.†, Cowan, R.E., and Fregly, B.J. (2012) Structures promoting research, training, and technology transfer in mobility: lessons learned from a visit to European centers. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 9, 19 (5 pages).
Cowan, R.E.†, Fregly, B.J., Boninger, M.L., Chan, L., Rodgers, M.M., and Reinkensmeyer, D.J. (2012) Recent trends in assistive technology for mobility. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 9, 20 (8 pages).
D’Lima, D.D.†, Fregly, B.J., Patil, S., Steklov, N., and Colwell, C.W. (2012) Knee joint forces: prediction, measurement, and significance. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine 226, 95-102.
Fregly, B.J.† (2012) Gait modification to treat knee osteoarthritis. HSS Journal 8, 45-48.
Fregly, B.J.†, Besier, T.F., Lloyd, D.G., Delp, S.L., Banks, S.A., Pandy, M.G., and D’Lima, D.D. (2012) Grand challenge competition to predict in vivo knee loads. Journal of Orthopaedic Research 30, 503-513 (research perspective article featured on journal cover; listed in Web of Science as a Highly Cited Paper “in the top 1% of its academic field based on a highly cited threshold for the field and publication year”).
Fregly, B.J.†, Boninger, M.L., and Reinkensmeyer, D.J. (2012) Personalized neuromusculoskeletal modeling to improve treatment of mobility impairments. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 9, 18 (11 pages).
Reinkensmeyer, D.J.†, Bonato, P., Boninger, M.L., Chan, L., Cowan, R.E., Fregly, B.J., and Rodgers. M.M. (2012) Major trends in mobility technology research and development: overview of the results of the NSF-WTEC European study. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 9, 22 (4 pages).
Vincent, K.R.†, Conrad, B.P., Fregly, B.J., and Vincent, H.K. (2012) The pathophysiology of osteoarthritis: a mechanical perspective on the knee joint. Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation 4, S3-S9.
Li, L.*, Patil, S., Steklov, N., Bae, W., Temple-Wong, M., D’Lima, D.D., Sah, R.L., and Fregly, B.J.† (2011) Computational wear simulation of patellofemoral articular cartilage during in vitro testing. Journal of Biomechanics 44, 1507-13.
Fregly, B.J.†, Marquez-Barrientos, C.*, Banks, S.A., and DesJardins, J.D. (2010) Increased conformity offers diminishing returns for total knee replacement wear. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering 132, 021007 (7 pages).
Lin, Y.C.*, Haftka, R.T., Queipo, N.V., and Fregly, B.J.† (2010) Surrogate articular contact models for computationally efficient multibody dynamic simulations. Medical Engineering & Physics 32, 584-594.
Lin, Y.C.*, Walter, J.P.*, Banks, S.A., Pandy, M.G., and Fregly, B.J.† (2010) Simultaneous prediction of muscle and contact forces in the knee during gait. Journal of Biomechanics 43, 945-952.
Walter, J.P.*, D’Lima, D.D., Colwell, C.W., and Fregly, B.J.† (2010) Decreased knee adduction moment does not guarantee decreased medial contact force during gait. Journal of Orthopaedic Research 28, 1348-1354.
Fregly, B.J.† (2009) Design of optimal treatments for neuromusculoskeletal disorders using patient-specific multibody dynamic models. International Journal of Computational Vision and Biomechanics 2, 145-154.
Fregly, B.J.†, D’Lima, D.D., and Colwell, C.W. (2009) Effective gait patterns for offloading the medial compartment of the knee. Journal of Orthopaedic Research 27, 1016-1021.
Hamai, S., Moro-oka, T., Miura, H., Shimoto, T., Higaki, H., Fregly, B.J., Iwamoto, Y., and Banks, S.† (2009) Knee kinematics in medial osteoarthritis during in vivo weight-bearing activities. Journal of Orthopaedic Research 27, 1555-1561.
Kim, H.J, Fernandez, J.W., Akbarshahi, M., Walter, J.P.*, Fregly, B.J., and Pandy. M.G.† (2009) Evaluation of predicted knee-joint muscle forces during gait using an instrumented knee implant. Journal of Orthopaedic Research 27, 1326-1331.
Koh, B.-I.*, Reinbolt, J.A.*, George, A.D., Haftka, R.T., and Fregly, B.J.† (2009) Limitations of parallel global optimization for large-scale human movement problems. Medical Engineering & Physics 31, 515-521.
Lin, Y.C.*, Queipo, N.V., Haftka, R.T., and Fregly, B.J.† (2009) Two-dimensional surrogate contact modeling for computationally efficient dynamic simulations of total knee replacements. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering 131, 041010 (8 pages).
D'Lima, D.D.†, Steklov, N, Fregly, B.J., Banks, S.A., and Colwell, C.W. (2008) In vivo contact stresses during activities of daily living after knee arthroplasty. Journal of Orthopaedic Research 26, 1549-1555.
Fregly, B.J.† (2008) Computational assessment of combinations of gait modifications for knee osteoarthritis rehabilitation. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 55, 2104-2106.
Fregly, B.J.†, Banks, S.A., D’Lima, D.D., and Colwell, C.W. (2008) Sensitivity of knee replacement contact calculations to kinematic measurement errors. Journal of Orthopaedic Research 26, 1173-1179.
Fregly, B.J.†, Reinbolt, J.A.*, and Chmielewski, T.L. (2008) Evaluation of a patient-specific cost function to predict the influence of foot path on the knee adduction torque during gait. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering 11, 63-71.
Moro-oka, T., Hamai, S., Miura, H., Shimoto, T., Higaki, H., Fregly, B.J., Iwamoto, Y., and Banks, S.† (2008) Dynamic activity dependence of in vivo normal knee kinematics. Journal of Orthopaedic Research 26, 428-434.
Reinbolt, J.A.*, Haftka, R.T., Chmielewski, T.L., and Fregly, B.J.† (2008) A computational framework to predict post-treatment outcome for gait-related disorders. Medical Engineering & Physics 30, 434-443.
Schache, A.G.†, Fregly, B.J., Crossley, K.M, Hinman, R.S., and Pandy, M.G. (2008) The effect of gait modification on the external knee adductor moment is reference frame dependent. Clinical Biomechanics 23, 601-608.
Verma, N.N., Kolb, E, Cole, B.J., Berkson, E, Garretson, R, Farr, J, and Fregly, B. (2008) The effects of medial meniscal transplantation techniques on intra-articular contact pressures. The Journal of Knee Surgery 21, 20-26.
Zhao, D.*, Sadoka, H., Sawyer, W.G., Banks, S.A., and Fregly, B.J.† (2008) Predicting knee replacement damage in a simulator machine using a computational model with a consistent wear factor. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering 130, 011004 (10 pages).
Fregly, B.J.†, Reinbolt, J.A.*, Rooney, K.L.*, Mitchell, K.H., and Chmielewski, T.L. (2007) Design of patient-specific gait modifications for knee osteoarthritis rehabilitation. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 54, 1687-1695.
Download animations below:
Pre-trainingMoro-oka, T., Hamai, S., Miura, H., Higaki., H., Fregly, B.J., Iwamoto, Y., Banks, S.A.† (2007) Can magnetic resonance imaging-derived bone models be used for accurate motion measurement with single-plane three-dimensional shape registration? Journal of Orthopaedic Research 25, 867-872.
Schutte, J.F.*, Haftka, R.T., and Fregly, B.J.† (2007) Improved global convergence probability using multiple independent swarms. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 71, 678-702.
Reinbolt, J.A.*, Haftka, R.T., Chmielewski, T.L., and Fregly, B.J.† (2007) Are patient-specific joint and inertial parameters necessary for accurate inverse dynamics analyses of gait? IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 54, 782-793.
Zhao, D.*, Banks, S.A., D’Lima, D.D., Colwell, C.W., and Fregly, B.J.† (2007) In vivo medial and lateral tibial loads during dynamic and high flexion activities. Journal of Orthopaedic Research 25, 593-602 (featured on the cover of this issue).
Zhao, D.*, Banks, S.A., Mitchell, K.H., D’Lima, D.D., Colwell, C.W., and Fregly, B.J.† (2007) Correlation between the knee adduction torque and medial contact force for a variety of gait patterns. Journal of Orthopaedic Research 25, 789-797 (listed in Web of Science as a Highly Cited Paper “in the top 1% of its academic field based on a highly cited threshold for the field and publication year”).
Zhao, D.*, Sawyer, W.G., and Fregly, B.J.† (2006) Computational wear prediction of UHMWPE in knee replacements. Journal of ASTM International 3, 45-50.
Koh, B.-I.*, George, A.D., Haftka, R.T., and Fregly, B.J.† (2006) Parallel asynchronous particle swarm optimization. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 67, 578-595.
Lin, Y.-C.*, Farr, J., Carter, K., and Fregly, B.J.† (2006) Response surface optimization for joint contact model evaluation. Journal of Applied Biomechanics 22, 120-130.
Banks, S.A.†, Fregly, B.J., Boniforti, F., Reinschmidt, C., and Romagnoli, S. (2005) Comparing in vivo kinematics of unicondylar and bi-unicondylar knee replacements. Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy 13, 551-556.
Fregly, B.J.†, Rahman, H.*, and Banks, S.A. (2005) Theoretical accuracy of model-based shape matching for measuring natural knee kinematics with single-plane fluoroscopy. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering 127, 692-699.
Fregly, B.J.†, Sawyer, W.G., Harman, M.K., and Banks, S.A. (2005) Computational wear prediction of a total knee replacement from in vivo kinematics. Journal of Biomechanics 38, 305–314.
Hamilton, M.A., Sucec, M.C., Fregly, B.J., Banks, S.A., and Sawyer, W.G.† (2005) Quantifying multidirectional sliding motions in total knee replacements, Journal of Tribology 127, 280-286.
Harman, M.K.†, Banks, S.A., Fregly, B.J., Sawyer, W.G., and Hodge, W.A. (2005) Biomechanical mechanisms for damage: Retrieval analysis and computational wear predictions in total knee replacements. Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology 5, 469-475.
Reinbolt, J.A.*, Schutte, J.F.*, Fregly, B.J.†, Haftka, R.T., George, A.D., and Mitchell, K.H. (2005) Determination of patient-specific multi-joint kinematic models through two-level optimization. Journal of Biomechanics 38, 621-626.
Schutte, J.F.*, Koh, B.-I.*, Reinbolt, J.A.*, Haftka, R.T., George, A.D., and Fregly, B.J.†(2005) Evaluation of a particle swarm algorithm for biomechanical optimization. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering 127, 465-474.
Click here to download Matlab source code for particle swarm optimizationBei, Y.* and Fregly, B.J.† (2004) Multibody dynamic simulation of knee contact mechanics. Medical Engineering & Physics 26, 777-789.
Schutte, J.F.*, Reinbolt, J.A.*, Fregly, B.J.†, Haftka, R.T., and George, A.D. (2004) Parallel global optimization with the particle swarm algorithm. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 61, 2296-2315.
Bei, Y.*, Fregly, B.J.†, Sawyer, W.G., Banks, S.A., and Kim, N.H. (2004) The relationship between contact pressure, insert thickness, and mild wear in total knee replacements. Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences 6, 145-152.
Koh, B.I.*, Reinbolt, J.A.*, Fregly, B.J.†, and George, A.D. (2004) Evaluation of parallel decomposition methods for biomechanical optimizations. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering 7, 215-225.
Fregly, B.J.†, Bei, Y.*, and Sylvester, M.E.* (2003) Experimental evaluation of an elastic foundation model to predict contact pressures in knee replacements. Journal of Biomechanics 36, 1659-1668.
Fregly, B.J.† and Sawyer, W.G. (2003) Estimation of discretization errors in contact pressure measurements, Journal of Biomechanics 36, 609-613.
Sawyer, W.G.†, Hamilton, M.A., Fregly, B.J., and Banks, S.A. (2003) Temperature modeling in a total knee joint replacement using patient-specific kinematics. Tribology Letters 15, 343-351.
Hansen E.A.†, Jorgensen L.V., Jensen K., Fregly B.J., Sjogaard G. (2002) Crank inertial load affects freely chosen pedal rate during cycling. Journal of Biomechanics 35, 277-285.
Fregly, B.J.†, Zajac, F.E., and Dairaghi, C. A. (2000) Bicycle drive system dynamics: theory and experimental validation. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering 122, 446-452.
Chèze, L.†, Fregly, B.J., and Dimnet, J. (1998) Determination of joint functional axes from noisy marker data using the finite helical axis. Human Movement Science 17, 1-15.
Fregly, B.J. and Zajac, F.E.† (1996) A state-space analysis of mechanical energy generation, absorption, and transfer during pedaling. Journal of Biomechanics 29, 81-90.
Fregly, B.J., Zajac, F.E.†, and Dairaghi, C.A. (1996) Crank inertial load has little effect on steady-state pedaling coordination. Journal of Biomechanics 29, 1559-1567.
Chèze, L., Fregly, B.J., and Dimnet, J.† (1995) A solidification procedure to facilitate kinematic analyses based on video system data. Journal of Biomechanics 28, 879-884.